Frozen Vannamei Shrimp
Product Category :
Agricultural & Foods>Seafood>Crab, Lobster & Shrimp
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Dear Sir/Madam,
We, Thai Union Frozen Products PLC, is one of the shrimp processors and exporters from Thailand. Our products range is fully cover from Raw Shrimp ( HOSO, HLSO, PDTO, PND ,PUD, Nobashi Stretched Shrimp etc ) Cooked Shrimp ( CPDTO, CPD Cooked HO Alive Shrimp etc )and VAP Items ( Sushi, Breaded , Tempura etc ). Our products is fully traceability and has been processes under the worldwide standard as well. So, if you do have any interest please kindly feel free to contact me at
Here I also have send you our company brochure for your review and reference. If you would like to have more information from us, please kindly feel free to let me know.
Best regards,
Sirawat S
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Contact Information
Company Name
Pakfood Public Company Limited
Business Phone Number
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