Real Seafood Snack
Product Category :
Agricultural & Foods>Baked Goods, Confectionery & Snacks>Snack
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Dear Sir/Madam,
We, Thai Union Frozen Products PLC, who is one of the shrimp and seafood producers and exporter from Thailand. At the same time, we also produces some Seafood Snack to supply to our customer worldwide as we well. We are ready to produce as OEM brand or can use our own brand and also willing to co-develop together for any new favor or any NPD. So, here I have sent you the information of the Real Seafood Snack which we are doing now for your review, if you have any interest or need more information, please kindly feel free to let me know. You can contact me at
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Sirawat Sutthisit
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Contact Information
Company Name
PAKFOOD Public Company Limited
Business Phone Number
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