Nordic Bees Honey
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Agricultural & Foods>Health Supplement>Honey & Honey Products
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I’m Sandra (吳珊卓), an export assistant at Nordic Bees, a premium Lithuanian honey brand. Currently, we are searching for importers in Taiwan who would want to help import our honey to Taiwan.
Nordic Bees is a family-owned company with over 80 years of beekeeping heritage, selling more than 3,000 tons of honey and bee products annually.
With trade between Lithuania and Taiwan growing stronger, I believe there could be a special opportunity for us to connect. I personally have a great appreciation for Taiwan, after living and studying there for 2 years.
I've attached brief introduction about our company - if you are interested, please contact and we can discuss further.
Sandra (吳珊卓)
WhatsApp: +370 6 5546046
Nordic Bees
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